Well today one of my GTX 460's decided to take a dump. The EVGA GTX 460 installed in my system is deciding to drop video randomly. I'm not surprised that it's failed, I applaud it's performance up to this date (because it was a RMA replacement). I have contacted EVGA about the issue to see if anything can be done to resolve the issue, but it's doubtful as I believe it has no more warranty at this point, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I've had stellar customer support from EVGA in the past so maybe something can be done to fix this issue for me without too much of a hassle. In the meantime, at least I'm not hooped, I still have the PNY GTX 460 running in the system so I can play some games, but just not at as high of quality.
In other news, the Reiter rig may be ready to go soon. The tracking number says that the HDD is in the superbox (but I haven't checked the mail today). So tomorrow I'll probably have something to do anyway and will keep my fingers crossed that the new HDD is going to function properly without any other strange issues arising in the Reiter rig.